This is my Capiz. This is how I experience Capiz- this place that I used to take for granted in favor of the more popular provinces of Iloilo and Aklan.
In the not so distant past, ( four years or so) I used to think Capiz was too bland, neither appealing to the trendy mall goers ( there's only one mall) nor to the party hungry people (there's been a number of nightspots but they seem close down one by one). There just wasn't anything too remarkable about Capiz. Sure, its Seafood Capital of the Philippines but with the sad demise of the prawn industry due to the hated white spot virus, that title can even now be contested. The tourist spots that I knew of were only Suhot Cave, the White Beaches of Olotayan Island and, of course, the long stretch of Baybay Beach. They're enough to entertain the locals but not so interesting as to draw a crowd of tourists. Just plain unremarkable. Nothing to brag about, really. So, I went to Iloilo for college excited that at last I could explore a more interesting place. Well, the province has Guimaras, Dinagyang and Bucari to boast of. (visit for more)
As I gained more friends from the other neighboring provinces, some asked me if Capiz had hidden getaways they could visit. So I rumbled my list of the famous Capiz spots that I knew of. Well, it wasn't a very long one. I only knew of three, remember? Oh! I somehow recalled the Pan-ay Church and Bell so I added them too. Well, my friends were quite disappointed as I gave the impression that Capiz was too boring a place to see. On retrospect, I'm quite embarrased about that.
Now, after my four year college stint in Iloilo, I'm back to Capiz. Surprisingly, I learned from a fleeting acquaintance that Capiz has quite a number of undiscovered nooks yet unspoiled by ways of man. Apart from that, some private individuals have also taken upon themselves to develop raw properties into ecoparks that the public may enjoy. What amazes me most is the hubbub of activities done by both the city and provincial government to promote Capiz- cultural shows here, structural improvements there.
So! Come with me as I explore this land full of mystery and wonder. Walk with me as I traipse SLOWLY through this land called Capiz. Who knows, we may even meet some very interesting people.